ChibiCreamPuff's avatar


68 Watchers83 Deviations
  Heyyyyyy I really haven't been on dA in a while. x"D I'm gonna say that I AM going to upload a few things! I never uploaded them before but I will ASAP~ ouo

Man, my art style's changed so much idk why I never posted them before >w< hehe~

   So see ya, guys~ I just think you needed a reason of why I've been gone..and that is.... lazyness but I WILL!! I have my HEART SET on uploading my latest!! OWO 

    Sayonara for now, guys!~*no not Shadew references*
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Hello Everyone~

1 min read
Yes, I know. It's been forever since I've updated you on things or even made a journal. But lately I've been busy with life and everything. I even met my best friend in the whole world and universe: :heart:~:iconrover-42:~:heart:
You should check her out!~ She's a really awesome artist and a really nice person~

I know I haven't been updating as much on my deviations either, but don't worry~ I'm not dead and will still be uploading things. I'm just not a person to upload quickly/weekly/a lot anymore.

Well, I guess for now I will say Ciao~:heart:
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[ ] You have eaten fish food.
[ ] You have eaten dog food.
[ ] You have eaten cat food.
[x] You have run into a glass door.
[ ] You have eaten an ant.

[x] You have eaten grass.
[ ] You have licked a tree.
[ ] You have polka dotted underwear.
[x] You have pink underwear.
[ ] You had contests with your friends to see who can create the nastiest burp.

[x] You have screamed a random word in public.
[x] You wave at people you don't know.
[ ] You have flushed the toilet because you were bored.
[x] You have slapped yourself out of boredom.
[x] You sing the "FUN" song.

[x] You hold conversations with a pillow, blanket, stuffed animal etc.
[ ] You dream of llamas coming out of peoples' butts.
[x] You think people who eat brains are cool.
[ ] You sing karaoke even though you know you're horrible.
[ ] You know how to spell "supercallafragalisticespialadosious" by heart.

[x] You make up your own words and use them with people who have no clue what they mean.
[ ] You have had your hair changed a different color.
[x] You have fluffy socks and you have wore them so people can see them.
[ ] You have hugged a random person.

[ ] You have ran up+down the stairs cause you were bored.
[ ] You have created a puppet show with your socks out of boredom.
[x] You have imagined people saying "bla" and blowing up.
[x] You just tried imagining people saying "bla" and blowing up.
[x] You are addicted to the Anamaniacs theme song.

[ ] You are addicted to "The Pinky and the Brain" theme song.
[ ] You have stared at your ceiling for over 10 minutes.
[ ] You talk to yourself.
[x] You have conversations with your imaginary friends.

Take your total and multiply by 3
Post your new total as "I am % Immature"

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It's the new year and I would LOVE to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :iconnewyearplz:

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Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs rpsoet it.

OLNY PUT THIS ON YOUR PRILOFE IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. CNAHGE THE NMUERBR AT TOP TGOHUH, "ONLY __ PEOPLE ON DA CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU?" Go up a nmuber if you can raed it...lte's see how hgih we can get! Gdoo lcku.

((I did this 'cause I was BORED))
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It's been a while... again by ChibiCreamPuff, journal

Hello Everyone~ by ChibiCreamPuff, journal

I Am 45% Immature by ChibiCreamPuff, journal

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! by ChibiCreamPuff, journal

ONLY 78 PEOPLE ON DA CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU? by ChibiCreamPuff, journal